
27 Revolutiei Str., Harsova

phone: +40 0241 871 033


Opening hours:

09:00-17:00 /Monday-Sunday/


The museum illustrates, with the most representative discoveries in Harsova and around, the development of the material and spiritual civilization in the Danube area, from the neolithic to the beginning of the modern age. Outstanding items are exhibited, some of which were presented in international or national exhibitions typical for neolithic cultures (Hamangia, Gumelnita), for the culture of the metals’ age, for Roman, Roman-Byzantine and medieval civilization.
The Carsium Roman fortress was built in the 1st century AD on the site of a Getic settlement. At the beginning of the 2nd century AD, during Trajan’s reign, the fortress was reinforced with a stone core. Written sources mention Carsium until the 7th century with various forms: Carsium, Carsom, Carso. Moreover, they also mention Roman military units stationed here with the mission of protecting the Danube crossing place. After the 7th century, the plateau hosted the medieval fortress, which was rebuilt by the Byzantines in the 10th century and then by the Genoan. A port facility was also operational during all historical periods. A wall of the fortress, about 40 m high, can still be observed nowadays towards the Danube.